Oníricas (25) "Dionysian black god" - Christiana Morgan

Robert Mapplethorpe, UNTITLED #3, (1985), fotografia a preto e branco e aguarela,
30" x 24 3/4".

Descrição de uma visão/sonho - revelador/a de uma bizarra e intensa sensualidade - por Christiana Morgan, "the veilled woman in Jung's circle", sobre quem já publiquei alguns posts.

I beheld a great Negro lying beneath a tree. In his hands were a fruit. He was singing. I asked him "What do you sing, oh Negro" and he answered me "Little white child, I sing to Darkness, to flaming fields, to the children within your womb." I said "I must know you." He answered "Whether you know me or not I am here." While he sang blood poured from his heart in slow rhythmic beats. It flowed down in a stream covering my feet. I follwed the stream of blood wich led down and down. At last I found myself in a rocky cavern beneth the earth. It was very dark. I saw the fire - a phoenix bird wich continually flew up and beat is head against the top of the cavern. I saw the fire create little snakes wich desappeared - small dwarves and man and woman. I asked the bird, "Where do they go?" The bird answered "Away, away." Then the bird said, "Stand in the fire woman." I said "I cannot. I will be burned." Again the bird commanded me to stand in the fire. I did so and the flames leapt about me burning my robe. At last I stood naked. The fire died down and the bird desappeared. I walked about the cavern searching for a way of escape but one demented. At lenght I heard the Negro descending. He sang in a full throaty voice, "I sing to you of darkness and of flming fields. He opened the door of the cavern. He laughed when he saw me and said "Now you are wedded to me." We ascended the steps into the day light and he said again, "You are wedded to me."

Christiana Morgan, in Claire Douglas, Translate this Darkness, The Life of Christiana Morgan, the veilled woman in Jung's circle, (New York, Simon & Schuster, 1993), pp.160-161.


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