O Mito de Orfeu
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot(1796-1875).
Orfeu Conduzindo Eurídice
(1861) Óleo sobre tela, 112.3 x 137.1 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas
Orpheus with his Lute Made Trees
Orpheus with his Lute made Trees,
And the Mountaine tops that freeze,
Bow themselues when he did sing.
To his Musicke, Plants and Flowers
Euer sprung; as Sunne and Showers,
There had made a lasting Spring.
Euery thing that heard him play,
Euen the Billowes of the Sea,
Hung their heads, & then lay by.
In sweet Musicke is such Art,
Killing care, & griefe of heart,
Fall asleepe, or hearing dye.
William Shakespeare aqui.