
German Berrios; Roy Porter, (eds) A History of Clinical Psychiatry,The Origin and History of Psychiatric Disorders, (London/New Brunswick,The Athlone Press, 1995).

Para abrir o apetite:

The history of clinical psychiatry may be defined as the study of the way in which clinical signals and their descriptions have interacted in sucessive historical periods, and of their psychosocial context. To estimate the extent to which earlier meanings(terms, concepts and behaviours) are preserved when clinical categories are transferred from one discourse to the next, historian and clinician need to know how descriptive and nosographic rules are formulated. For example, can be assumed that 'mania', 'melancholia? or 'hypochondria' mean in 1995 the same as they did in 1800? How can differences be made explicit?
One of the objectives of historical nosography is to decode the rules controlling psychiatric discourse, and make explicit the drafts upon which it is based.


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